Ok you've just launched your new blog so what do you do next? If you prepared for your launch correctly, you've written numerous articles in advance to post to your blog.
Is it time to sit back and watch the results of your pre-launch preparations? Absolutely not! To do this would only waste all your previous efforts. You are now in the initial stages of your new blog so your focus here will be TRAFFIC.Here are the top 10 things you'll need to do now that you've launched your blog:
1) Continue preparing blog post and focus on the content. You want to keep fresh content available for visitors to 'train' them to come back looking for more.
2) Start visiting other blogs and leave comments. When you comment be sure a link to your blog is in your signature file.
3) Reach out within your blogging community to build relationships with other bloggers. By networking like this you can pick up some tips, ideas and possibly some additional online traffic.
4) When referencing other blogs in your posts make sure to use trackbacks. These link you with the other blog and notify them you've just referenced them on your site.
5) Visit forums related to your niche and participate in their discussions. Again this will be a great source of information and a potential field of additional online traffic to your blog.
6) Write articles and post these to your blog. Once posted be sure to ping them, and then wait for 24 hours so that you can now submit them to article directories. Let your articles do 'double duty' for you.
7) And speaking of pinging make sure whenever you make a blog post that you ping it.
8) Participate at social sites where you can spread the word about your new blog.
9) Circulate press releases to announce your blog.
10) Most importantly continue to post on a FREQUENT basis. This is the lifeblood of your blog and the reason readers visit.
You've got a new blog with plenty to post about so now is the time to get noticed. By incorporating the above 10 activities into your ongoing blogging routine you'll be well on your way to attracting plenty of online traffic. Congratulations and may you experience much success with your blogging efforts!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
10 simple steps to increase your blog traffic!!!
Blogging Tips
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